Had our 1st PCI done today.
We had prepared a LONG list of defects, 7 pages, portrait format to be exact!
After we had a walk through to check the external of the house, SS gave us a "New Home Care Folder", which includes a page that describe inspection of defects.
"Including for fixtures and appliances, the inspection of a surface, material or item is to be viewed or observe from a normal viewing position: being defined as a distance of 1500mm or greater from the observed surface, material or item. Such normal viewing position is to be subject to illumination from a non critical light source. For glazing assessment, this should be done in normal daylight conditions and viewed from the interior of the building"
SS highlighted/hinted/told us directly that he'll not entertain defects that are too minor like bits of scratches or minor paint crack, so our defect list was cut short by half at least! :( To be fair, SS did found a few defects that we've missed out too.
[Stairs] Dots and tags to indicate touch ups need to be done
We had arranged BigK to do our private inspection today as well.
We are aware that the roof insulation is not done yet, but it will be done via the manhole on the upper floor. However, we've totally forgotten that the Rumpus, which has it's own roof but no manhole, need to be insulated at the roof too. So thanks to BigK who took a peek through the Rumpus roof tiles, reminded us there need insulation too!
Dressing the backyard
14 years ago